Friday, May 23, 2014

A Boy in Hell uncensored

Clever Year and I have re-typeset A Boy In Hell using Arch's uncensored scans. Many thanks to Clever Year for making this a speedy process! =)

Here's the link.

You'll find that some have the watermark of Tinman. Basically those had no censors and were just pulled from the original release.

On a separate but related note, Aniki has kindly agreed to take over the translation of FaSiH, and so he will be doing the rest of the chapters.

I'll probably be trying to finish up Pride now.


  1. Man... Pride is one of the most popular Tagame´s work. I don't understand why it's never fully translated!?!

  2. I hope the watermark is not too much. Or I could dig up my stash for non-watermarked version, but i need sometime to find it

  3. Whenn will pride volume three be translated
